Aravind Alumni come back to their Roots

Aravind’s impact extends far beyond our hospital walls. Each year, Aravind trains some 300 number of ophthalmologists and eye surgeons from around the globe – who take their sight-saving training back to their home countries.

During annual October Summit, Aravind invited former students to return to their “roots” in Madurai, and share their experiences and fellowship with each other. More than 100 former Aravind trainees attended the 1 ½ -day reunion. Or, as Dr. Reshmy said:

“I prefer to call it a home coming, all members of a large family showering affection on each other! I went back to being a student once more, sitting with friends, going on a picnic, chatting away! I enjoyed every minute of the sessions, and was able to understand how my practice could be improved. My humble pranams to all my teachers at Aravind!!”