Editorial March 2014

Dear Friends,

Today, we hear a lot about sustainability and scalability in all areas of industry. Aravind Eye Care System is frequently held up as the ultimate sustainable social enterprise, growing from 11 beds to 4,000 beds since its founding in 1976. From a few dozen patients to 4 million. From a small eye hospital to a network of 10 hospitals and nearly 300 mentee hospitals across the developing world plus world-class research and manufacturing facilities. All achieved with a business model that provides free or heavily subsidized treatment to more than half our patients.

Dr. Venkataswamy goal wasn’t scalability or sustainability it was the elimination of needless blindness and so he was fearless in forging new partnerships and striking out into new territory. That goal still drives expansion and innovation within Aravind, and we are grateful to our partners, supporters, and friends around the world.

Warmest regards,
The Board of Aravind Eye Foundation