Editorial May 2017

Dear Friends,

This spring, several Aravind Eye Foundation board members travelled to India to see the Aravind model in action first-hand. We visited a rural vision center at R.S. Mangalam, a village about 100 kilometers from the base hospital in Madurai – here, Aravind technicians are providing affordable, primary eye care to 50,000 people. At a school vision screening, we got caught up in the excitement as the kids tried on their spectacles — a life-changing, but inexpensive cure to vision loss. We toured the newly inaugurated Genetics Lab for Retinoblastoma with Dr. Usha and Dr. Muthu, who are changing the odds for children with this devastating form of cancer. And, all around us, we saw the commitment to providing high-quality, efficient, compassionate care to all patients, regardless of their ability to pay.

At Aravind, expansion, efficiency, and innovation are all driven by one thing – the vision of a world where no one suffers from needless blindness. Or in the words of Dr. V., “To give sight for all.”

Thank you all for sharing this vision and for your continuing support and trust in us.

Warmest Regards,
The Board of Aravind Eye Foundation