Editorial November 2017

Dear Friends,
This month, we celebrate the much-anticipated opening of Aravind Eye Hospital Chennai – a state-of-the-art facility, designed from the ground up for 21st century ophthalmology and offering every medical advance in eye care found in the world’s most renowned university hospitals.

But behind the technology and sophistication is Dr. V’s sincere devotion to the patient, a devotion that is shared by every member of the staff. And, that is what makes Aravind different. That is “value add” of our model. As Dr. Natchiar, one of the founding team members, puts it best: “When a nurse holds an elderly patient’s hand and leads her where she needs to go . . .that’s value addition.”

Thank you for your continuing support of Aravind’s mission. And, we hope you will visit the newest member of the Aravind family in Chennai.

Warmest regards,
The Board Members of the Aravind Eye Foundation