India’s Children Can See Their Way to a Better Future

In March, Aravind received a grant of $20,000 from the Jaya G. Iyer Endowment Fund, a Field of Interest fund at the Madison Community Foundation toward our Spectacles for Scholars program. This program provides free vision screening and eyeglasses to school children in Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu, India.

Free eye glasses have a major impact on a child’s development. Wearing eye glasses has been shown to improve math’s scores as much as reducing class size and can produce the same effect as six months’ more education. The impact is greatest among the poor, where education is the way to a better life.

The Jaya G. Iyer Endowment Fund supports organizations in the United States and India engaged in the treatment of blindness, eye diseases, injury or other afflictions impairing the eyesight of persons living in India. Madison Community Foundation uses its local knowledge and assets to inspire giving, support meaningful initiatives, and connect people for the common good. We are grateful for their support!