World Sight Day — Hope in Sight

Dear Friends,
2020. For some, that means perfect vision. For others, it’s a year they want to forget. For me, I will remember this year as when I officially joined the international Aravind family!
Twenty years ago, I was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP). I was told I would gradually go blind, and there was no known cure. As a 19-year-old kid, it was devastating news. My parents, born and raised in South India, didn’t want to believe this, and they had heard of a hospital in Madurai that treated blindness.  They arranged for me to travel from the US to visit this hospital, hoping that the doctors could save my sight. The hospital I visited was Aravind, and although they weren’t able to prevent me from going blind, Aravind has helped me see the importance of making an impact through serving others.
On October 8, we celebrate World Sight Day, and this year it has a special meaning for me. I am scheduled to have cataract surgery that could improve my vision. My experience has given me a tremendous appreciation for what the doctors, nurses, and staff at Aravind do, and a whole new level of empathy for all the patients we serve.
Although I never had the opportunity to meet Dr. V in person, I’m ever thankful for the hope that he has given to people like me.
Warmest regards,
John Samuel, Board of Directors, Aravind Eye Foundation